Frequently Asked Questions

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As a new virtual club seeking to build connections locally, nationally, and internationally, we have received a lot of questions from club and community members.

We appreciate the curiousity and have written out answers to some of the more common ones. We hope this helps spread awareness and understanding about our intent and structure.

CFUW Canada GWI is comprised of members who pay their CFUW dues through the club (primary members) and members who pay their CFUW dues through another club (dual members). Members’ rights are the same for primary and dual members. All members of the club have an equal voice on matters brought to the floor of club meetings. Voting allocation at CFUW meetings (AGM or Special General Meetings) is based on the number of primary members—one for each 25 members or major portion thereof up to 200 members; one for each 50 members thereafter. Club leadership is through a non-traditional board—a 5-member planning committee. Positions on the planning committee are: CFUW/GWI Liaison, Membership Coordinator, Treasurer, Communications Coordinator and Member-at-Large.

Click here to learn more about our structure and team.

No. CFUW Canada GWI is a chartered club of CFUW, like any other club. It will operate much like local clubs do. It may create hubs, interest groups and/or study groups or undertake club initiatives focused either on CFUW or GWI. Members share an interest in the activities and programs of GWI. CFUW Canada GWI provides an opportunity to become actively involved with members across the country who share this interest.

Click here to read our Constitution and Bylaws. 

There is no change to voting allocations on any matters brought before the CFUW membership. Each club is allocated 1 vote for each 25 primary members up to 200 and 1 vote for each 50 primary members thereafter.

Click here to learn more about our connection to the local, national, and international networks.

Yes. This virtual club does not change the voting rights or structure of home clubs. We simple offer another option for dual membership, and have the same voting rights in CFUW based on club size as any other physical or virtual club.

Click here to contact us for additional clarification.

In most clubs, dues have two components: CFUW dues and Club dues. CFUW Canada GWI dues have 3 components: Club dues, GWI dues as established by GWI at the Bank of Canada annual exchange rate for the prior year ended December 31, and CFUW dues (the CFUW rate minus the amount allocated for GWI dues in the national budget). 
Primary members will pay all 3 components. Dual members will pay the club dues and a top-up between what CFUW pays for GWI and the actual amount GWI levies.

Click here to view a full explanation of membership and dues.

Yes. Your local club will receive the club component of their dues, as they do now. There will be a modest additional cost to you, paid to our virtual club, to cover additional expenses related to administration and international connections. This will not affect your home club fees in any way. 

Click here to view a full explanation of membership and dues.

Don’t worry, there is no requirement to join CFUW Canada GWI if you are already a member of another local CFUW club. Members of CFUW can continue to pay their GWI component of CFUW dues in the clubs they currently belong to.

Additionally, we actively collaborate with local, national, and international networks on advocacy, and maintain connections with other clubs and NFA’s. This is a value added for all members, without changing or negatively impacting anyone’s current status. 

Click here to learn more about how our advocacy interests and activities intersect with the work of CFUW, GWI, and other networks locally and globally. 

Click here to learn more about membership or fill out the form to join us. If you have any additional questions about the advantages and structure of membership, please feel free to contact If you have questions about the structure and process of payment, please contact